👋 Hi, I am

Jessica Ekpenyong

Front-end developer from based in Nigeria

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Featured Project which my best projects be choice to show

Yoghurt app preview

Yoghurt Project

Yogurt is a food produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. The bacteria used to make yogurt are known as yogurt cultures. Fermentation of sugars in the milk by these bacteria produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to give yogurt its texture and characteristic tart flavor. Cow's milk is the milk most commonly used to make yogurt.

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Weather App

Weather App is the application of science and technology to predict the conditions of the atmosphere for a given location and time. People have attempted to predict the weather informally for millennia and formally since the 19th century.

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Weather project preview
Dictionary app preview

Dictionary App

A dictionary is one of the most important tools during your time studying at a university. A good dictionary can help you understand your subject better, improve your communication and improve your grades by making sure you are using words correctly.

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